DAY 5: The power of one team with one mind

DAY 5: The power of one team with one mind

Read: Romans 15:1-13, Galatians 3:26-28

If you are a fan of any sport, you’ve heard the deafening noise of adoring fans speaking as one. While watching on the couch might give you a better view of the game, it’s never as exhilarating as cheering on your team from the stands.

A special energy comes from being part of a shared mission, whether that mission is to win a game or to bring heaven to earth. When we ask Jesus into our lives, we give Him permission to reshape our values and our perspective. That’s what it means to make Jesus our Lord. We put Him in charge of how we live today as well as where we spend eternity. We join His team, His mission.

Rather than fielding a select few, Jesus sends all of His people out to share the good news that He has set us free and He will set things right forever. We might seem like a rag-tag bunch. But when it comes to this mission, no one is too old or too young. Wherever we’ve come from and whatever we’ve done, we all have a place on this team.

At times, we are going to get tired and want to give up. But the same way a team feeds off the energy of its fans, we can draw strength from one another. When our minds are unified with Jesus the way He is unified with His Father, anything is possible. Paul reminds the church in Rome of the special power that comes through unity in Christ. “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Jesus calls us to be one, working together for His glory. When we say yes to Jesus, we are clothed with His jersey. And everyone — regardless of skin color, age, social status, or past life experience — has a role to play.


  • When was the last time you drew strength from someone else’s faith? Is there someone you need to bear with or build up this week?
  • Is there anyone you have a hard time accepting as part of Jesus’ team? Rather than hide that feeling, pursue unity by asking Jesus to help you see that person through His eyes.


Thank You Lord for allowing me to be part of Your team. I am so happy you called me and chose me out of everyone to join Your mission. I am willing to work with my teammates in this walk of faith because I want to please You and I can’t fulfil this mission alone. Please use us for Your glory, God. In Jesus Name, Amen.