Day 1 – Your Handicap Doesn’t Have to Hinder You

DAY 1: Your Handicap Doesn’t Have to Hinder You

Provided by Inspiration Ministries

Read: Luke 19:1-6

Paul Wittgenstein came from a well-connected family. Their home frequently was visited by well-known cultural leaders and influencers. It was not surprising that Wittgenstein became a professional pianist, making his public debut in 1913.

However, while serving in the Austrian army during World War I, Wittgenstein was wounded and his right arm had to be amputated. To most people, this would have ended any hope to be a professional pianist.

But Wittgenstein was determined to continue the pursuit of his dream, even if this meant using only his left hand. He dedicated himself to this improbable goal, rigorously practicing with his left hand.

Because Wittgenstein refused to give up, the world was enriched with his many musical masterpieces. And, as he played these pieces in concerts worldwide, he was encouraging others not to give up when they faced adversity.

Some people give in to their handicaps or allow themselves to be defeated by obstacles. But others are like Wittgenstein, or like Zaccheus, a man who was small in stature. It would have been easy for him to stop trying to see Jesus, but he refused to give up. Jesus rewarded him for his persistence.

We have a unique opportunity to use our personal and global crises to see how God can revamp and restore your life. So, in every circumstance, have faith in God. Look to Him, confident that He can help you overcome obstacles and turn defeat into victory.


  • Do you face any handicaps or challenges? Are there obstacles before you that seem overwhelming?
  • Have you given up because it seems there isn’t hope?


God, when times get hard, I don’t want to give up. You are the God who does miracles and the impossible so I will trust that You have a plan. Please open my ears to hear from You and give me new ideas for the things I thought were dead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.