Day 2 – Bold Is Better

DAY 2: Bold Is Better

Read: Psalm 138:3, Matthew 14:22-29

The movie, Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, follows the life of a fictional explorer named Indiana Jones who experiences grand escapades, near-death moments, and exhilarating journeys and somehow always makes it out alive. In this movie, there is a scene where Indiana comes to a deep and wide ravine that is between him and where he needs to go next. It’s too far to jump and there’s nothing with which he can build a bridge. He takes a deep breath and a leap of faith as he steps off the edge. He breathes a sigh of relief when he finds himself standing on an invisible bridge connecting the two sides.

That is how stepping out in faith can feel: as if you’re stepping off the edge of safety toward a place you’d like to be with a huge ravine in between. For many of us, the idea of stepping out is too scary, so we stay where we are.

Peter and the disciples were in a similar situation. They were in the middle of an already dangerous storm and they were even more afraid when they thought a ghost was coming towards them. They didn’t swim and the waves were beating on the boat.

It made sense that they would want to stay in the safety of the boat. And yet, Peter asks to come out to Jesus on the water. Now, instead of this being the story of the scariest night of his life, where he cowered in a boat, Peter gets to tell his kids and grandkids how he walked on water!!!

Being bold is often scary, but when we take the leap or little step of faith, we experience God’s provision, His grace, His protection – and we have a great story to tell others!


  • What has God called you to do in your life? Be willing to make that first step of faith. God will meet you exactly where you are and He won’t let you fall into that deep ravine.


Father in Heaven, I want to do exciting things for Your glory. I have read of the miracles in the Bible and You say that we can do greater works as Christians today. So, I don’t want to play it safe and miss out on Your perfect will for my life. Please increase my faith and help me to say no to fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.