DAY 1: Stressed? Jesus Provides Rest

DAY 1: Stressed? Jesus Provides Rest

Provided by Student Devos ©  & Christina Vinson

Read: Matthew 11:28, 1 Peter 5:7

Right now, you probably are tired. Whether it’s from all the talk of COVID, school plans, or just the stress from relationships, it’s easy to get weary.

Jesus, however, doesn’t want us living our lives stressed out. Instead, He wants us to find rest and relief from stress in Him.

Jesus promises that we can find rest in Him. 

However, we need to make the decision to rest. God’s first choice won’t be to knock you over your head so that you rest! This is why Jesus invited us to rest and Peter encouraged us to cast our cares on Jesus.

It is our choice. No one can do it for us. Rest looks different for everyone. For some, it’s taking a sabbatical or extended vacation. For others, it’s a nap or an hour of solitude. You know your needs and your limits — what would good, adequate rest look like for you? Make a plan, write it down, and commit to it — perhaps even ask a friend or your spouse to hold you accountable.

You need rest — we all do. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s simply part of being human. Give yourself a break. Decide when and how you will rest and then allow yourself to do it. And keep God in the mix! Say something like: Lord, I’m not good at allowing myself to rest, Lord. Show me a plan that will work for me.

Take those things to Jesus. Put the concern of it on Him. You don’t need to carry it. Instead, rest in Jesus. Let Jesus carry those things, and be your source for whatever you need.


  • Do you trust God to give you true rest?
  • What does rest look like to you?


Jesus, today I choose to look to You. I choose to let peace rule in my heart. I choose to practice rest. I won’t worry about the things going on around me, but rather put my hope and trust in you. In your name, Amen.