DAY 5: The Weapon Every Soldier Needs

DAY 5: The Weapon Every Soldier Needs

Read: Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:10-17

Imagine a soldier going to war without a sword, gun or superpower. We would shake our heads at any many who came to battle without any way to defend himself or defeat the enemy. And yet, that is how some Christians treat the word of God. We forget that we are in a daily battle with the enemy who wants to “steal, kill and destroy” us (John 10:10). An enemy who has flaming arrows aimed towards us every single day.

Against such a vicious and cunning enemy, we need to be able to defend ourselves and fight! And God gave us an incredibly powerful weapon.

The Word of God is no “play play” thing. With God’s Word, we can encourage our hearts, remove depression, cause fear to flee; we can know what next step to make, how to live successful lives; we can even know the future when we read the Bible!

And as with any weapon, we need to learn how to use it properly. We couldn’t give a knife to a child without first teaching them important rules on how to handle the weapon. And in the same way, we must learn and teach others how to accurately use the Word of God for good and not our disaster.

Thankfully, God promises to reveal the truth of His Word to us, as we seek Him and ask for wisdom. So, we can be sure that with His help, we will one day become an expert soldier, with the most powerful weapon there is!


  • On a scale of 1-10, how important is it for you to read the Bible, memorise it and share it with others?


Lord, I confess that there are times I have not given Your Word the importance it deserves in my life. I don’t want to be distracted any longer and I want to learn how to properly use the weapon that You have given me to successfully win the race of faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.