Day 2- Why unity in the church matters so much

DAY 2: Why unity in the church matters so much

Read: John 17

Politicians seem to thrive on division. Income brackets separate communities into one side of the tracks or the other. Even people who share the same beliefs bicker about how to live out those beliefs.

Unity may seem far-fetched, but unity is what Jesus prayed for us before going to the cross.

More than anything, Jesus’ desire was for the church to be one because their uncommon unity would be a powerful witness to God’s love. Jesus prayed, “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23)

With so much division over so many things, Christians’ ability to be unified, even when we’re not the same, is what will set us apart. This kind of unity doesn’t happen naturally. It comes from above. As we experience God’s love for us, it leads us to love other believers with pure, unselfish motives. We stop trying to push ourselves to the top and begin submitting to God and one another.

Just as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united, we are to be united in order to bring God glory. Jesus knew He wouldn’t be on Earth forever, and we are His plan to reconcile people with God. But reconciliation has to start with us. When believers live in harmony, people take notice and get a glimpse of Jesus’ love.


  • When you look at your relationships, how much unity do you see at home, at work, or at school?
  • What is one practical way you can build unity in the church and your community?
  • When is the last time you prayed for the church? Take a moment to follow Jesus’ example in praying for your church family. Pray that we would experience the same unity that Jesus had with God and the Holy Spirit.


Father in Heaven, I join in agreement with your Son Jesus and pray for unity for all believers. In my teams, I pray that I will be one who brings unity and encouragement to those around me. Please remove my desire to ‘win’ every argument and instead fill me with a desire for peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.