DAY 3: Come and Rest

DAY 3: Come and Rest  

Read: Mark 6:31, Exodus 33:14

Provided by Proverbs 31 Ministries © & Priscilla Shirer

Rest is becoming a lost art in our modern culture.

We’ve exchanged its old-fashioned value for a hectic, fast-paced, breakneck speed of life. Our fervour and passion disintegrate while our blood pressure elevates. Packed within each 24-hour time span is an unsustainable number of tasks we’ve placed upon ourselves, as well as demands others deem urgent enough to place upon us as well. 

And based on our fatigue and frustration, we’d give anything to offload the burden. 

But rest doesn’t seem like a viable option anymore.

When Jesus sent His disciples off on a specific ministry assignment in Mark 6:7-11, He didn’t shield them from the fact that their journey would not be particularly easy. People would refuse to listen to them, much less give them hospitality. Any cause for excitement would be counterbalanced by any number of legitimate reasons for quitting and discouragement. They’d be empowered to preach, heal and spread the news of the kingdom, yes, but they’d also be exhausted on every front — physically, emotionally and spiritually. And even after finally coming back home from their tiring journey, people would still be “coming and going,” enough that the disciples “did not even have time to eat” (v. 31b).

So as their first order of business upon returning, Jesus greeted them with clear instructions to rest. Jesus was welcoming them into a place where grace flows, where the Spirit refuels, and where mercy fixes what’s been strained and stressed by accumulating life’s pressures.

Quiet time is not an excuse for the lazy but a wise investment for the diligent. It’s for those who are committed to being active servants and followers of Jesus Christ instead of slaves to the tyranny of urgent busyness and activity. By prioritizing rest for ourselves and those we love, we might just rediscover the joy we thought had been lost forever. 


  • Do you ever feel guilty for taking time away to regroup and recharge?
  • Are you afraid your world will stop turning if you disengage for even a few moments?


Lord, help me to embrace Your grace. Guide my steps as I seek to come to You … and allow me to rediscover the rest You commanded to be part of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.