Register Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Registration - LEAD 2024 Fields marked with an * are required Leadership Conference We're so excited to have you join us at Leadership conference. Please fill in your details in the Registration Form below to begin the registration process. Divider Parent/ Guardian's First Name * Parent/ Guardian's Email Parent/Guardian's Last Name * Parent/ Guardian's Phone * Referenced by a friend? Name of Reference Divider Camper's First Name * Camper's Last Name * Gender * Select one Male Female Camper's Phone Camper's Email School s/he attends * Campers Date of Birth * Does s/he have any special food requirements? * Vegan Vegetarian Gluten Free Allergies Other None List additional details at end of form Special Health Concerns? * Asthmatic Sinusitis Heart Conditions Mental Health Other? None Please indicate any medication currently being taken How will you be getting to camp? Select one I would like to be picked up at Merl Grove High School I would like to be picked up at Jose Marti High School Bus Stop I would like to be picked up at NCB in Old Harbour I would like to be picked up at Leiba's Tiger Mart, May Pen I'll find my way to camp I'll contact my staffworker Divider Name of Emergency Contact 1 Relationship Phone Name of Emergency Contact 2 Relationship Phone Divider How did you hear about camp? Facebook Instagram Phone Call Staff Worker Friend Family Member Any other details If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.