Day 4 – Get Ready For Your New Thing!

DAY 4: Get Ready For Your New Thing!

Provided by Dianna Hobbs

Read: Isaiah 43:19

The Holy Spirit nudged me, urging me to read it again. I’ve read this passage before. Quite often, in fact. Still, I obediently re-read it. This time, carefully. When I slowed down and paid attention, I saw something in it I never really focused on.

The scripture is Isaiah 43:19, one of my favourite passages for encouragement. It was written at a time when Judah was suffering under Babylonian exile. The prophet Isaiah was reminding them of what God had done in the past, alluding to the great Exodus of Israel from Egypt. At the same time, Isaiah discouraged them from being stuck in the past and admonished God’s chosen people to look forward with expectation of the new thing He would do.

I have always zoned in on the new thing.

That’s the feel-good part.

But somehow, I missed the fact that this was a wilderness promise.

God told them, “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” This promise was tailor-made for their dry, barren, wilderness season. Their wasteland moment, where there is nothing but dryness and fruitlessness, no hint of prosperity, abundance or provision.

Right there, in a place of hopelessness, is where God chose to make His promise. Friend, if you feel like God has forgotten you in your difficult place, re-read that verse. God has a message to share. He is doing something new, but you had to go through this wilderness in order to get it.

This dry place was necessary. This utter wasteland that you have been crying out for deliverance from is the place He chose to perform His greatest work in your life.

The enemy tried to trick you into thinking your season of fruitlessness and barrenness indicated that you weren’t favoured. That was a lie. God is still leading you. He allowed you to endure pain on your way to possessing the promise.


  • What new thing do you want God to do in your life? 


God, thank You for the awesome things You’re getting ready to do and are already doing in my life. I don’t see all of it but I trust in You because You keep Your Word. So, I rejoice in advance for the new season of greater blessings that’s on the way for me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.