Day 5 – Hope When Words Hurt

DAY 5: Hope When Words Hurt

Provided by Proverbs 31 Ministries © & Ron Beers

Read: Romans 12:17-21, 1 Peter 3:9

Growing up I often heard, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Is there a more inaccurate phrase?

Words hurt. They can do lasting damage, and once they are out of our mouths, words can’t ever be put back. As a dad, I remember my kids coming home from school or the playground with tears streaming down their faces from a hurtful remark. In those moments it would take every ounce of self-control and restraint to not let the Papa Bear start to roar.

Personal offenses aren’t limited to childhood. As we mature, those seeming attacks from others can start to gnaw away at us. Someone cuts in the line in front of us, we get disrespected or someone starts a rumour about us. In each case, we’re tempted to strike back, retaliate, give them their just desserts.

But in Romans 12, Paul shows us a better way to live. It may seem hard to not act in revenge, but we have to remember that if we got what we truly deserved, we would be in deep trouble for sure. But Christ gives us grace — undeserved favour.

The grace Christ shows us is a guide for how we should treat others. The offender may deserve some judgment, but that’s not our job. By not reacting in anger and instead responding with good, we’re not excusing the bad behaviour but showing a better way. We’re recognizing, forgiving and loving that person just as Christ forgave us.


  • In what way do you think you may have been wronged recently by someone you know? In that situation, how will you respond with sacrificial forgiveness and unselfish grace?


Lord, I admit my tendency to strike back, to return evil with evil. Forgive me. Help me to remember Your love and grace for me to do good to others, even those who hurt me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.